Chill Skills

chill skills for teens

Chill Skills courses are created especially for older kids and teenagers, and cover a range of topics over four weekly sessions of about an hour.  The course is structured as follows


Week One – Positive Thinking, Visualisation and Self Belief

In week one we will get to know each other a little bit and set some “rules” for the course together.  These will always include kindness and respect for others and no judgement, with others added if appropriate. We will talk about what we do (and don’t!) like about ourselves and work on positive self-image, growth mindset  and belief in ourselves. We will go through some visualisation techniques and think about how we’d like our future to look and how we can achieve it. We will end with some relaxation exercises and introduce mindfulness with a  visualisation based on confidence in ourselves. I will give out a journal with some pages to complete for next week, encouraging them to reflect on this week and put their thoughts down on paper.


Week Two – Stress, Moods and Anger Management

This week we will look at the different areas of the brain, the stress response and how they affect our moods and emotions.  We will look at  our emotional responses and how mindfulness can help us to deal with all those different emotions., including stress and anger management.  We will talk through some stress-busting techniques and how we can calm ourselves down, and the importance of letting emotion out in an appropriate way rather then keeping it inside. We will end the session with a relaxing meditation, and this week’s journal pages will look at stress and emotions.


Week Three – Healthy Relationships, Bullying and Empowerment

In week three we will talk about friendships, relationships, positive and negative people, bullying, social media and strategies for dealing with difficult people and situations. We will go back to week one and revisit positivity, confidence and belief in ourselves and a way of attracting and maintaining the right relationships with all the people in our lives. We will end with a self confidence meditation and our journal pages will be about 

love and respect for ourselves.


Week Four – True Happiness

In the final week we will be looking at the importance of being truly happy and what that actually means. So much of our lives (school or work) is spent doing things we don’t really want to do, so examining what REALLY makes us happy and making sure we make time for the things we love is so important. Teenagers are particularly prone to spending time with people they don’t really like and doing things they don’t enjoy because the peer pressure is huge, especially in Secondary School where they feel like they have to blend in. We will look at ourselves as the amazing individuals we are! We will finish with a final meditation about happiness and living our best life.


If you feel your child or teen would benefit from this course or have any questions, please get in touch.